Community Partner Spotlight: Cornerstone Community Outreach

Man with short dark hair wearing a black shirt and dark blue suit coat, posing against a gray backdrop and smiling into the camera

Andrew Winter

CCO Executive Director
Cornerstone Community Outreach


Cornerstone Community Outreach (CCO) welcomes families and single adults experiencing homelessness into a safe shelter space with nutritious meals and comprehensive wrap-around services. As a result, thousands of Chicagoans have had the opportunity to reclaim their lives from the devastating effects of poverty and homelessness. CCO’s mission is to address homelessness, provide shelter, accept people, and help them find a home.

Executive Director

Andrew Winter, CCO Executive Director and longtime resident of the Uptown neighborhood, has committed his career to supporting and improving the lives of people experiencing homelessness. He tirelessly advocates for non-congregate, medically-integrated shelter and person-centered care. Andrew has persistently worked to build and strengthen partnerships with nonprofits, advocacy groups, community organizations, faith-based entities, and government agencies to create avenues to permanent housing for people experiencing homelessness.

Services Offered

CCO is an established 24-hour shelter offering over 250 beds each day and night for families and single adults experiencing homelessness. We are committed to individualized support, referrals, and services to all guests, aiding the move from homelessness to permanent housing. Shelter guests access city-wide services for housing, employment, training, legal aid, health care, budgeting, counseling, and trauma recovery through ongoing collaboration with various organizations. Additional CCO amenities include an on-site Medical Clinic, computer lab, after-school tutoring, rooftop garden, playground, free clothing and hygiene items, plus birthday and holiday parties.

Current Projects

CCO maintains four shelter programs: Hannah Shelter (55 beds for mothers with children), Sylvia Shelter (130 beds for families), Naomi Shelter for Men (28 beds), and Naomi Shelter for Women (46 beds). In 2023, CCO offered 68,364 shelter nights, with 67% for families, 19% for women, and 14% for men. CCO is expanding its on-site Medical Clinic to improve healthcare for guests. In partnership with DOH and DFSS, CCO aims to create non-congregate, hotel-style units for guests, enhancing capacity and wellness.

Organizational impact to the community

In 2023, 156 guests transitioned from CCO to permanent housing 42% were children, and 58% were adults. Each success is a celebration! Many arrive with barriers: 88% of guests had no income. Over 51% of families entering CCO had no SNAP benefits. One of the ways CCO meets this need is through the 209,724 meals served in 2023. More than half of CCO employees are Persons with Lived Experience (PLE), enhancing the support and expertise offered to guests.

Funding Sources

CCO receives operational funding as a delegate agency of the Department of Family and Support Services (DFSS). Additional financial support comes from the Community Services Block Grant (CSBG), the Illinois Department of Human Services Emergency and Transitional Housing Program (IDHS-ETH), public giving, and private gifts.

HCC logo: colorful HCC with text Healthy City Collaborative

This spotlight is part of the Healthy City Collaborative, a program within the UIC Office of Community Engagement And Neighborhood Health Partnerships.