UI Health With the Community

African American boy holding up a card with a drawing of a rib cage and a heart

Healthy communities can be achieved through authentic involvement of our neighbors and local residents. Whether it be in the pursuit of representation in healthcare practice and research, making healthcare more accessible, or informing public health policy, UIC’s academic health enterprise honors its long-standing community-centered commitment of inclusive partnership with the communities we serve – all in the pursuit of health equity.

Community Partner Spotlight Heading link

Woman with short reddish hair, wearing glasses and a scarf around her neck

Deborah’s Place

Kathy Booton Wilson, CEO

Deborah’s Place opens doors for women experiencing homelessness in Chicago. Our supportive housing and services offer women the key to healing, achieving their goals, and moving on from the experience of homelessness.

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Working in partnership with the UIC Office of Community Engagement and Neighborhood Health Partnerships